Myrna Paulsen Cruse




3: Sharon Ken, Paul
Current Activities
Garden Club member--which involves learning to garden in the high desert--much different from Oregon, and I consider it much more challenging! Since we're closer to family now, playing games with them, as well as belonging to a local game group. The group disbanded while Covid was raging and now are slowly getting back to meeting. Now, we are able to see our own kids on a rather regular basis. Sharon and family live in Prescott--about 15 minutes away, so we see her family quite often. Ken and family live in San Juan Capistrano, CA, which is about a seven hour drive, and Paul and family live in Kentucky, so we don't see them as often. This spring we have attended 1 college graduation, 3 high school graduations, and 1-8th grade promotion.
What I have done, etc
During our marriage we have moved 19 times. Many were back and forth to the same area for Richard's work. During that time we lived in Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, Washington state, Idaho, and now Oregon. We have been in Oregon for 23 years and before that in the Denver area for around 20 years. I am retired from teaching in public schools and preschool/daycare. Kept busy with church activities involving Vacation Church School, teaching Sunday School, helping with the after school program at a local elementary school. We love to travel--mostly to see the family, but managed to go to Alaska and Mexico, too. We lived in Oregon for a total of 25 years before moving in 2015 to Prescott Valley, Arizona to be nearer family. Nowadays our travels revolve mostly around visiting our children and grandchildren and friends in Oregon.