Thelma Knost Curtis

Leslie (Deceased)
Current Activities
On the Warren County Fair board - 30 years, Hospice volunteer, member of Church of Christ - 55 years, full time Grandma with free babysitting.
What I have done, etc
Husband and I were partners in Elmwood Jersey Farm Dairy and Convenience Store. Bottled our own milk for route and store, for 43 years until his death in 2000.
We went to hawaii for 25th wedding anniversary.
I enjoy country living very much and can't think of anything I would have changed about my life
My kids and now my grandkids have been the light of my life and I've enjoyed being a girl scout leader, a 4H leader, a PTA officer, a Dairy Princess Chairman and a cheerleader for all their sports activities
In the past six years, since my husband's death, I've been to Arizona (Grand Canyon), Las Vegas, Branson, MI (three times - LOVE the shows), Virginia Beach (twice) and, this summer, Myrtle Beach.
