John Hester

John passed away on February 12, 2008 at St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital in Houston, TX.
Current Activities
Play a lot of bridge 3-4 times per week usually duplicate bridge. I also direct a bridge game for an AARP group at one of the local community centers once a week. We also have been doing a lot of cruising with cruise ships leaving from Galveston,TX about 50 miles from Houston.
What I have done, etc
Retired in 1993 after 32 years with Equitable Life Assurance Co. in their data processing area. Married Angela in 68. Angela grew up in Venezuela so we spent significant vacation periods in Venezuela where her family still lives although it is not a great place to visit at present. Daughter Angela lives in Austin TX with 3 children and husband Chad. Son Axel lives in Hoboken, NJ with wife Beth who is expecting their first child in late August, 2006. Have an ICD (Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator) which at least once has clearly saved my life. While my health is not good we are still enjoying life a lot.
