Karl Groters


Karl Then


Karl Now
More Groters Pix
2 Dennis(37) Melinda(30)
1 Sandra(9)
Current Activities
I do some walking every day and go to the Gym (treadmill, weight machines, free weights). I have been helping our daughter set up her new home (answer questions, hang pictures, etc.) I do a lot of web surfing. We also have been known to entertain visitors from around the United States and Europe.
What I have done, etc
After graduation, I joined the United States Air Force. I started in San Antonio, Texas and then moved to Riverside, Calif. for Security Service training. I then moved to Altus, Ok and stayed for about a year. Then I went on to Spain. I lived in Spain for four years. While there, I met the young lady who was to be my bride. While in Spain, I spent some time visiting France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. After returning to the U.S., I moved to Merced, Calif. where I remained for three years. Lots of trips to San Francisco and Yosimite National Park. I then went to Viet Nam and spent fifty three weeks at Pleiku. I had traveled to Hawaii, Wake Island and the Philippines going to Viet Nam. On the way back Philippines and Japan. While in Nam I took RRR at Hong Kong. Back to the States again and to Columbus, Ohio. During the next three years, I went to the Panama Canal Zone for six weeks and passed through Goose Bay Labrador and Iceland to England for six weeks. While in England I managed two trips to Spain to officially propose marriage and give her an engagement ring. Arrangements were made and I took vacation time to fly to Spain were we married in a local Church after which followed a large reception. My wife bore me a son (on the fourth of July) (she didn’t realize that it was a U.S. holiday) while we were still in Ohio. After a few months it was time to move on and we found ourselves living in Sembach, Germany where we stayed for four years! We traveled thru Germany, thru France going to Spain and a trip to Holland to look up distant relatives. We found one family and they told us that there were more Groters in other towns. After Germany we moved to Fort Worth for three years. My wife bore me a daughter (I think she did it for herself) and almost had her in the car on the way to the Hospital. Next it was on to Ogden, Utah and I spent one year in the Command Post before retiring with twenty three years. We left Utah, went back to Fort Worth, bought a house and I went to work for General Dynamics making F-16’s. Ten months later I was hired by the USPS were I worked for twenty years and again retired. We have moved one more time to the small town of Saginaw which borders with Fort Worth. We built a new home in a new subdivision. We have a spare room for visitors passing through, although you need to call ahead of time for “reservations”. Our children also live in the Fort Worth area. Our daughter lives about a half mile away and our son and granddaughter about five miles.
