Andy Lucas


A Lucas


A Lucas
Blended family 6 total 2 boys and 4 girls, one in Omaha NE. one in Tarpon Fl. the rest still in Erie
Current Activities
I retired from my business in 92 did a lot of traveling the US. and Canada mostly the Northern states and western Canada Baniff, Calgary and alike. Drove the Alaska Highway when it was still in tact (much more tame today). If any one has a chance to do it, I highly recommend it, I have a saying you never go to Alaska once. Three times for me and I'd go tomorrow if asked. We settled in Zephyrhills FL. in '04 put a double wide on an acre and decided to play golf, mow grass and sleep. It has worked out great. I do some volunteering with the police dept. here; keeps me out of trouble, my wife says. Well, hope you all have a great reunion enjoy the time. We kind of keep an eye on what's happening through the Erie paper and your internet posts. Talk to you soon
